Thursday, 19 May 2016

Former GOP Sen. Bob Bennett apologized to Muslims for Donald Trump

Former Republican senator, Sen. Bob Bennett,  who is battling   used his last days to apologize to Muslims for the rise of Donald Trump as his party’s presidential nominee, the man’s family members told the Daily Beast.
In a report posted Wednesday evening, the wife and son of former Sen. Bob Bennett said the Utah Republican was disgusted by Mr. Trumphaving become the party’s presidential front-runner based on his stances on Muslim and other immigration.
In the last days of his life this was an issue that was pressing in his mind… disgust for Donald Trump’s xenophobia,” son Jim Bennett told the Daily Beast. “At the end of his life he was preoccupied with getting things done that he had felt was left undone.”

The article by Tim Mak begins with an anecdote, attributed to the younger Mr. Bennett and Joyce Bennett, the senator’s wife, in which he “lay partially paralyzed in his bed on the fourth floor of the George Washington University Hospital.” In that state, days before his death and with his speech slurred, he asked if there were any Muslims in the hospital.
I’d love to go up to every single one of them to thank them for being in this country, and apologize to them on behalf of the Republican Party forDonald Trump,” Bennett told his family members.
Bennett died May 4 of complications from a stroke and pancreatic cancer.

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