Friday, 28 March 2014

Trey Songs Admits "I'm Gay"

Trey Songz is not gay — he’s just the victim of another elaborate Internet hoax!

After a tweet outing Trey Songz as gay went viral on March 25, the singer took to social media to clear the air about the shocking rumor and what he had to say may surprise you!

A screen shot of a tweet allegedly sent from Trey's account — which read,

"I think it’s time to finally tell my fans. All games and jokes aside…I'm gay"

The tweet went viral last Tuesday. But according to report, the tweet was actually Photoshopped by some silly pranksters. Now Trey has some choice words for whoever is behind the hoax.

The 29-year-old rapper aired his frustration over the prank in a series of (real) tweets on March 26. He writes:

''The things you people craft up with hatred in your hearts. The things people believe without question, or validity, all baffles me''.

''Photoshop and a retweet is all people need to believe, any and everything. I feel bad for the impressionable, no minds of their own''.

''If I'm gay then Tupac bringing me a ounce for this session wit Biggie tomorrow. No weapon. #LOVE''

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