Thursday, 6 March 2014

Crossfire! Sexual harassment in Nollywood

One of the standard questions that pops up in an interview with a Nollywood actress, is the sordid question of whether what is called sexual harassment exists in the industry or not. For the actresses, it is different strokes for different folks. While some would tell you they have never heard of it, some would concur they have heard of it but have never experienced it.

Yet , there are those who are willing to swear under oaths that for any ball to get played for any beginner in the business, the beginner must have agreed to certain rules of the game where 'sexual harassment' may be the first commandment of the rule.

Here are two Nollywood damsels who have different opinions of how the game is played between the greenhorns who are looking for a shot at fame and the men, who have all the aces in the game and how the game is to be played.

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