Thursday, 6 March 2014

Bob Manuel strangles Chika Ike!

Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State's henchman on creative media, Bob Manuel-Odogwu certainly was caught pants down trying to snuff the life out of divorcee actress, Chika Ike, as a picture made available on social media told the story.

But the political actor is neither on the run for attempted murder nor is the actress anywhere near being strangled. They were only plying their trade which is the make-believe business.

The duo are presently on a location, filming and what came on the social media was a scene from the film.
But Chika didn't hide her admiration for the gangling actor who must have done a swell job of strangling as she later stated on her Instagram " it's always a great pleasure working with him. He is a legend"

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