Yesterday, an unconfirmed story was making its rounds across
blogs that Davido, his brother – Adewale Adeleke and his manager Kamal
Ajiboye were arrested in a club in Budapest for using fake euros to pay
for for drinks.
Davido‘s camp has sent across an official press release clearly stating Davido didn’t get arrested.
Read below the Official Press Release
It has come to our notice that some unscrupulous rumour peddlers have chosen to malign Davido’s hard work ethic and reputation.
has been on his European tour for a few weeks and landed in Budapest,
Hungary on Friday June 21 for his Budapest stop. He was met with what is
perhaps the worst case of unprofessionalism from a promoter in his
career as a touring artiste. The promoter in this case is known as Mr
Frank of BLACK DIAMOND ENTERTAINMENT. To the dismay of his management,
the agreements on Davido’s ryder were not met despite assurances written
and verbal that everything was set. Please note the following facts:
Against their agreement, Davido and his management were given a one bedroom suite to house them during their stay in Budapest.
Friday, 28 June 2013
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» Press Statement: Davido & Manager Were Not Arrested In Hungary for Spending Fake Currency
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